Okehampton (click on photographs to bring up bigger/better versions).

okehampton At Tongue End, nr Okehampton, Devon. Thanks to John Hurst for the photo - he reports that the pump has been re-instated, and on a very substantial post. Looks like a replacement handle too - does it work?

Markings: Flag.

Manufacturer: Lee Howl.

okehampton, 2023 At Okehampton, Devon. Thanks to Clive Darke for the photo. These two pumps have been re-sited on a display board which reads:
Water Supply
Water pumps from
the workhouse
and a local farm
Markings: The semi-rotary on the left has a Flag, "No4" and some indecipherable markings. No markings visible on the lift & force pump on the right.

Manufacturers: Lee Howl, and unk, respectively.
