But this
one looks very odd. The pump is on the outside of the house, in the Inner Yard,
but its handle extends inside to the Butler's Pantry (not currently open to the
public). The delivery pipe - which is wooden-boxed - travels up on the outside
to the first floor of the house. My first guess was that it supplied water to
the upper storeys, perhaps to a cistern in the roof, but a guide said that in
fact it was a hydraulic lift mechanism that was used to speed up the delivery
of food from the kitchens. I'm not sure if it was a traditional service lift
(i.e., a "dumb waiter") or large enough to carry people, but I've written to
the NT for further information. However, they've got a lot on their hands there
at the moment, so I'm not expecting a full explanation any time
soon. |