Wollaton (click on photograph to bring up bigger/better version).


The pump in the village square at Wollaton, Notts, has been restored in recent years, and looks smart under its slate-roofed wooden shelter. The unusual internal mechanism connected to the handle is a wheel which runs against the inner surface of the pump housing, and functions to keep the operating rod vertical, in much the same way as a bow is used in more conventional pumps. Thanks to Mike Woolford for the photos on the left and Alan Murray-Rust for those on the right.

Markings: None.

Manufacturer: Unk.


wollaton This wood-cased lead pump with a strapped down handle is in the stable block courtyard at Wollaton Hall. Unusually it has two lead spouts at the same level, and presumably they are connected to the same lead tank. (My thanks to Alan Murray-Rust for the photos.) wollaton
Markings: The front of the tank features the words "SOLLORY" and "Plummers" [sic], the date - 1826, and what English Heritage calls a "baronet's figurehead".

Manufacturer: John Sollory of Nottingham.
