Reepham (click on photograph to bring up bigger/better version).

All photographs supplied by Gareth Hughes - thanks, Gareth.

reepham Reported as "the remains of a small cast-iron horse engine powering a three-throw lift pump in the grounds of Moor House". An old trade catalogue produced by Hayward Tyler (see the entry below) features something very similar to this, which they call a Bullock Gear.
Markings: None.

Manufacturer: Poss Hayward Tyler & Co.

reepham And this one's at the Old Brewery House, Market Place, Reepham. The structure was built 1900 from the timbers of a local windmill (see, and houses a rather nice twin-throw flywheel and crank pump

Markings: Hayward Tyler and Co, London.

Manufacturer: Hayward Tyler and Co.
